I, Dr. S. P. Udayakumar, candidate of the Aam Aadmi Party (Eliya Makkal Katchi), sign this “Contract with the Ordinary Citizens” of Kanyakumari Parliamentary constituency that lists out all the things that I will do if I am elected to the Parliament. This is a binding contract that I am obliged to honor at all […]
I, Dr. S. P. Udayakumar, candidate of the Aam Aadmi Party (Eliya Makkal Katchi), sign this “Contract with the Ordinary Citizens” of Kanyakumari Parliamentary constituency that lists out all the things that I will do if I am elected to the Parliament. This is a binding contract that I am obliged to honor at all costs.
[1] I will not accept garlands, flower crowns, shawls, silver masts on the stages or during any of my tours. I will be happy to accept children’s books which I will donate to nearby government or government-aided schools as gifts.
[2] I will not put up cut-outs, large flex-banners or cause noise pollution in residential areas and hurt the interests of the public when I campaign and even afterwards.
[3] I will only do the basic necessary expenses to get elected and will not treat the election as a business venture in which one would invest large amounts of money in order to reap high dividends later.
[4] If I am elected as an MP, I will attend the Parliament sessions regularly with due diligence and care and a feeling of responsibility. I will inform you my attendance record and the reasons for any leave of absence.
[5] I will facilitate the normal and efficient functioning of the House and will not waste the scarce resources of the people of India. I will uphold the dignity of the House and maintain decorum in my conduct and behavior. If I have to protest against something serious, I will make sure that my act would be decent, democratic, non-disruptive and nonviolent.
[6] I will utilize all my powers and potentials only for the “ordinary people” of India and I will not work either directly or indirectly for any Indian or foreign corporations or business houses and other interest groups in any manner.
[7] I will not take any bribe from anybody in any form for any reason, and certainly not for asking questions in the House, or to cast my vote in favor of somebody or something, or to be a silent spectator in the House.
[8] If and when the Country and/or the Houses of Parliament face a crucial decision-making situation, I will turn to you all and seek your opinions and suggestions.
[9] I will choose a team of five men and five women from my constituency to administer the MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) funds so that those funds will not be abused by anyone. And I will not affix my name on the projects.
[10] I will set up a “Constituency Coordination Committee” of all the people’s representatives and key officials, consisting of all the sitting MLAs, District Panchayat President, Mayors, Municipal Chairmen, and Panchayat Presidents (irrespective of their party affiliations) and the District Collector, District Judge, District Revenue Officer, Revenue Divisional Officers, Tahsildars, Municipal and Panchayat Commissioners, to coordinate the development needs and aspirations of the people. This CCC will meet at least once a month to keep up with its work, and the MP would be the Coordinator.
[11] I will publish a monthly newsletter “Constituency News” in Tamil to keep the people posted of the various pieces of legislation, house debates, constituency concerns, and the steps taken to address them etc. When I am about to take any decision on a policy matter or a development project, I will write a column in the “Constituency News” and other newspapers and magazines and invite your feedback, comments and criticism to think better and deeper.
[12] I will hold periodic “Neighborhood Meetings” in key towns and villages all over the constituency to meet people, hear their concerns, and to give them advice and assistance. I will also meet the press at least once a month and answer their questions openly and honestly.
[13] I will undertake other such steps:
[i] to bring respect and honor to the MP post,
[ii] to enhance the trust between the MP and the constituents,
[iii] to play an active community role,
[iv] to act as a lobbyist for local interest groups, and
[v] to be a votary of the Party to communicate our policies, programs, projects etc. to the public.
[14] I will declare my assets and release my income tax returns to my constituents at the beginning of every financial year until the end of my term as an MP.
[15] In case of my constituents’ dislike and disapproval of my work as an MP or a breach of this contract, I will be ready and willing for a total recall.
[16] Even if I do not win the election, I will not simply disappear from the constituency when the elections are over but will set up an office somewhere and act as a “Shadow MP” to goad the winner to act on the pressing issues of the constituency. As the “Shadow MP” I will keep working for the people in all possible ways and prepare for the next round of elections.
[17] In all my actions, I will never be influenced by any feelings of community, caste or religion. I will be the MP for all the citizens of _______ and will do my best to reach out to every section of the society.
[18] I will always be a friend of the Earth and child of Mother Nature and do everything possible to preserve the natural resources and the Ordinary Citizens’ rights to life and livelihood.
[19] I will always treat women with respect and dignity and make every effort to enhance their safety and equality in our daily life.
[20] I will promote the interests of our children and youth and work for their safe and secure future.
അരികുവല്ക്കരിക്കപ്പെടുന്നവരുടെ കൂടെ നില്ക്കുക എന്ന രാഷ്ട്രീയ നിലപാടില് നിന്ന് ആരംഭിച്ച thecritic.in പന്ത്രണ്ടാം വര്ഷത്തേക്ക് കടക്കുകയാണ്. സ്വാഭാവികമായും ഈ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണത്തിന്റെ നിലനില്പ്പിന് വായനക്കാരുടേയും സമാനമനസ്കരുടേയും സഹകരണം അനിവാര്യമാണ്. പലപ്പോഴും അതു ലഭിച്ചിട്ടുമുണ്ട്. ഈ സാഹചര്യത്തില് 2024 - 25 സാമ്പത്തിക വര്ഷത്തേക്ക് സംഭാവന എന്ന നിലയില് കഴിയുന്ന തുക അയച്ചുതന്ന് സഹകരിക്കണമെന്ന് അഭ്യര്ത്ഥിക്കുന്നു.
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