Finally the so called expert committee report on Kathikutam NGIL factory came out.
Finally the so called expert committee report on Kathikutam NGIL factory came out. They had omitted many important comments from Dr. Latha who was nominated by the Action Council. Their recommendations are as follows. Please note that these are some advices to company which is polluting the river and area ( water and air) for […]
Their recommendations are as follows. Please note that these are some advices to company which is polluting the river and area ( water and air) for last 3 decades. No actions proposed even if they are not following it. No questioning why they had not rectified their defects for all these time even after many such recommendations. So again an eye wash. People have no alternative other than the struggleRECOMMENDATIONS OF EXPERT COMMITTEE01: The heavy rains during the sampling day (16.07.2013) warrants a fresh detailed sampling after the monsoon to confirm the treated effluent quality.02: Company should maintain and make available the mass-balance and energy balance of the company’s activities. An account of water drawn from the river and other sources, used up in the company land and that discharged back into the river has to be provided. Similarly, an element wise account of inputs and outputs of the company activities should be provided. The material balance and energy balance of the effluent treatment plant shall be generated separately.
03: A system should be installed in the discharge line to account the outflow of water as is presently done in the case of intake of water.
04: Government approved agencies may be entrusted to prepare a total water balance study of the company including water intake-discharge and measures to be taken for water conservation.
05: Company should properly plan and work towards zero discharge in a phased manner. Possibility of recycling of waste water using suitable technology should be studied. ( till that time people have to suffer the illegal actions by the company?)
06: Company to install an air monitoring station and take measures to control emission of foul smell. This can be done by connecting the delivery / discharge line to the existing boiler chimney of 30 meter height. The possibility of involving CUSAT, Mahatma Gandhi University (Environmental Science Department), NATPAK etc. with regard to the analysis of Gas effluents may be considered.
07: Epidemiological and health survey regarding health status of people in consultation with the District Medical Officer and Medical College to be conducted.
08: The expert committee should be authorized to conduct surprise inspections in the company and premises at any time and draw samples for analysis. If any adverse result is obtained, immediate suspension of companies activities should be ordered.
09: Monthly monitoring of the functioning of the company is to be conducted by the expert committee for the next one year and result made available to public through Website of District Collector.
10: The company shall upgrade and modernize the quality control and R & D Facilities available in their institution.
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